Programmable keyfob OATH TOTP tokens
TOKEN2 introduces C300 — world’s first NFC programmable OATH TOTP token in keyfob form-factor.
We are selling programmable hardware tokens in card format for already a few years now. Token2 miniOTP cards are marketed as a hardware alternative to Google Authenticator or other OATH-compliant software tokens. It works with authentication systems that support TOTP tokens: Google, Facebook, Coinbase, GDAX, Dropbox, GitHub, Kickstarter, Microsoft, TeamViewer, etc. Users can program the card using any NFC-enabled Android phone by scanning a QR barcode or type the seed manually.
Having the same functionality extended to tokens in classic keyfob/dongle format was one of the features our customers asked for. This has been one of our (Token2 RD) priorities for some time now, and we are glad to announce that we are about to finalize it. So we hereby give our customers a heads up about C300, which is as per our research, the world's first NFC programmable OATH TOTP token in keyfob form-factor.
More information about availability date will be coming soon.
About Token2
TOKEN2 Multifactor authentication products and services LTD (short name TOKEN2) is a multinational IT security company headquartered in Versoix, Switzerland, providing various security solutions, such as hardware tokens, a mobile application, TOTPRadius server (an on-premises Radius server designed for two-factor authentication) and Token2 Cloud API, a hosted two-factor authentication service designed to protect primarily Web-based applications.